Monday, January 26, 2015

civil disobedience

    In todays world civil disobedience people protested against the police killing an innocent black man for no reason. There was no justice for the family of mike brown in the court room. The police won the case. that's not fair because mike brown didn't do anything towards the police. People protested in attempt to seek justice. I understand the protesters were out of line . Such acts like stopping traffic, placing people in a bad situation, and walking in the streets during the traffic were followed by protesters. Despite the commotion, it is important to evaluate the cause of this civil disobedience. The police killing innocent people and getting away with it is so terrible. These innocent individuals have families that care about their kids. Taking a lost is a hard thing to do that's never easy. So if protesting is their only way to get their statement or opinion across they should be able to do it. So all the situations that happen in the last two years like the Travon Martin case and Mike Brown case. They were both killed. Till this day their families are still fighting for what they believe in. I understand and respect that because that's a loving family. If I was a mother I would be doing the same thing if I suffered a lost.

     Also that makes the world look good because you see people coming together as one getting a job done. Their fighting for whats right and the government and the police have to understand that. Im starting to think that their getting it because their not really doing nothing to the protesters the only thing their doing is keeping them in check about how their protesting. Because how about if it was their child getting killed by the police I know they would be feeling the same way. Killing should just STOP! Its killing innocent people. Whoever kills for no reason should get punished. Like people should want to come together as one and fight together.(pg246 Letter From Birmingham City Jail) Martin Luther King tried to make everybody come together to be a whole. Martin Luther King was the man back in the day because he was respectful and honoring. He wanted fair rights for everybody and everybody to be equal. Blacks and whites hated eachother and Martin Luther King wanted to change that he just wanted peace. He had a dream and he wasn't going to stop until it was accomplished. Martin Luther King went to jail for fightimg for what he believed in. Martin Luther King got killed by a white person in front of a motel. Whites and blacks couldn't even go to the same school that's how bad it was. Later on some blacks and whites ended up getting along with eachother but it was still a lot of racism still going on.
   (pg244 From on Nonviolent Resistance by Mohandas K Gandhi Speech) You can also relate this to Gandhi and what he was doing for him and his people. He was the leader of the Indians in India. As a young lawyer, Gandhi fought for rights of Indians living under the racist and repressive government of south Africa. Gandhi and his fell people was getting treated wrong in india so ghandi was a big man and stepped up to fight for his rights. Gandhi was sent to prison so many times and hurt because of his actions  because of fighting for rights for the Indians. He didn't want to harm anybody he just wanted to get his point across. The police and the government wasn't understanding that. they thought he was attacking at them, but that wasn't the case. When Gandhi went to prison his fellow people kept everything right and they kept battling until he got out. Gandhi was just trying to fight for the Indians independence because he thought it was fair and I agree because I think every race should have equal rights. Gandhi ended up getting killed in the head by some ignorant man . Gandhi and martin luther king jr to me is the same kind of people because they both fought for something that they wanted and didn't stop until they got killed. They spoke up on the truth for there country and their race. They just wanted to be good people and crazy and stupid people wasn't understanding where they were coming from. Now today they made a difference because Indians got rights and blacks and whites came together that was there dream. They left great advice and great speeches on this earth and it will be here forever. a lot has changed and I love it. I agree with both of them and everything they have done and I feel like don't give up on what you believe because your going to get heard or accomplish that one thing or things sooner or later.

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