Wednesday, May 27, 2015

An Indicent in Los Angeles

An incident that took place in los angeles was when my mom and family got into a car accident with this old man. I was in the front seat I was about 11 years old. when we crashed I was really scared, I felt dizzy and my stomach was hurting. I had a bad pain in my stomach but the crazy part I saw the crash about to happen before it did but it was to late to say anything it just happen to fast. in the car there was my older and younger brother they were also scared. then the ambulance came also the police I was just shocked about the whole thing even happening

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Portfolio Reflection

   My favorite piece in my portfolio is the Micheal Jordan essay because he's a legend I look up to even though im a girl I still look up to him because he teach and he did stuff nobody could do. He worked hard at his craft and he stayed in the gym for hours just working trying to get better.

   Looking at my piece from the beginning of the year to the end of the year I can tell it has got a little bit better. I think it needs a little bit more work but im starting to understand how to do a great essay to get a good grade. I see improvement in how I write and how I start off into my writing. The work that I think demonstrates a good essay is my Micheal Jordan essay and My Reflection essay on myself. I picked these two essays because my Micheal Jordan essay I went into great detail on him, his life story and how great he was as a player. Also I like Micheal Jordan because he was a great leader of the game.  I picked My Reflection essay also because it was about me and I can honestly go on and on about myself that's how much I love myself but the real reason why I picked my essay about me is because people can get to know the real me without having to assume and by judging me because the way I look or the way I even act.

   The areas I need to improve on about my writing is to write more and give detail on every essay I write because I know that would make me a better writer and make my readers be interested in what I'm writing about. I want to try to catch my readers attention and that would help me on what I did good on the essay and what I need to improve on because I'm going to want feedback.

     My specific skill is me going deep in my writing, telling good detail, getting people attention, and making people feel passionate about my writing. My highest grade is not science this year it have been history because I understand it more than my other subjects I want a high grade in English and Ms. Enszer and Ms. Alaya is helping reach that accomplishment. I know by their help it can get done. all the essays that Ms.Enszer is basically preparing us for college and I understand and I appreciate that. I know I complain about writing so much but I know its going to help me in the long way. High school essays are basic compared to college essays and when I get to college I want to be ready for a college essay assignment.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

La Times La Lakers Poem

Lakers trail
Lakers fail
Lakers lose
Lakers win
Lakers foul
But at the end of the day they make something work
Lakers were on a losing streak but they now are getting their momentum back that they a couple years ago.
Now on the Lakers they have a lot of young cats and talent and a couple years from now they will be a team to beat.
Their working as a team but at the same time their on their individuals skills.
Lakers lead
Lakers shoot
Lakers show out
Lakers push through
They don't give up they keep fighting until the buzzer hit zero
They come together as one not two
Lakers trail
Lakers fall
Lakers lose
Lakers win
Lakers foul
There is a reason why they have so many championships  because they play like champs even when Their winning by a lot or a little
or if their losing by a lot or a little.

Poem From Night

She pointed her arm toward the window, screaming "Look! Look at it! Fire! A terrible fire! Mercy! Oh, that fire!"
Some of the men pressed up against the bars. there was nothing there; only the darkness
Powerless to still our own anguish, we tried to console ourselves
" She's mad, poor soul"
She starts to scream fire! Fire!
Her little boy hold her skirt saying its alright mommy while crying.
She continued to scream, breathless, her voice broken by sobs.
The little boy sits down his moms and begins to cry.
Her little boy stroked her hand
As dusk fell, darkness gathered inside the wagon.
We started to eat our last provisions.

Monday, March 2, 2015

MLA CITATION Hilary Tutman

    Harriet Tubman was born in 1822 she was the fifth of nine children. Harriet was about 5 when she was taken away from her family. Harriet master made her do housekeeping chores. Her best was never good enough. one chore was her being a nursemaid. When harriet masters were arguimg she got free. She went to Philadelphia and founded work and saved every penny she could. Harriet used the money she saved up to go to Baltimore.
  Her Childhood:
    As a child Tubman took care of a younger brother and baby. When she was five or six Brodess her master hired out as a nursemaid to a lady name Miss Susan. She was ordered to watch the baby sleep. if the baby woke up she was whipped. She carried scars for her whole life. She also worked as a planter for a man name James Cook. She had to check on muskrats traps. She became so ill from doing that cook gave her back to Brodess because she started to become worthless to James Cook.
  Her Marriage:
      Around 1844 she married a man name John Tubman. he is a free African American man. If John and Harriet would have kids they would be enslaved. Tubman changed her name from Araminta to Harriet soon after her marriage. Harriet wanted to move to the north but John didn't want her to move. They wasn't really seeing each other because Harriet was enslaved.
   Her Escape: Harriet was getting treated so bad as a slave she couldn't take it nomore so she ran away. She had a husband and two brothers her husband refused but her two brothers followed. She thought her and the other slaves would be sold. Harriet and her two brothers followed the north star in the sky to guide her north to freedom. Her brothers became frighten and turned back, but she continued on and reached Philadelphia. There she found work as a household servant and saved her money so she could return to help others escape. When Tubman escaped she saved 13 enslaved families.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Nuclear Power

   The good things about nuclear power is that the energy is clean. its doesn't add green house gases to the atmosphere. Their not like the fossil fuel. Nuclear energy has saved million of tons of air pollution from going to the environment. The bad things about it is that it is extremely costly. nuclear power wouldn't reduce our dependency on middle east oil supplies. Nuclear power isn't cheap at all. It isn't a cheap alternative to fossils fuels. The main problem with nuclear power is the cost its not the risk of some people dying. Nuclear power has stalled because it is simply not profitable. More nuclear doesn't mean less oil nuclear power is just a energy source nothing to do with oil. Oil has its own source.

     People think nuclear power is dangerous and some think its not dangerous. Barack Obama secretary Steven Chu thinks its not dangerous. The death resulting from the production of nuclear power are over 4000 times less than the rate of death resulting from the production of energy from coal. many people say the reason why nuclear power cost so much because the government. They say that France gets 75% of its electricity from nuclear power. However its still the same amount of money out her in Los Angeles, California.

    I believe nuclear power shouldn't never cost so much because in some cases you need nuclear power. I think everybody should get a equal amount of electricity from nuclear power. Nuclear power is primarily used for electricity. More nuclear doesn't mean less oil. It just should be way cheaper then now in my opinion.
    Nuclear power originates from the splitting of uranium atoms in a process called fission. Fission releases energy that can be used to make steam, which is used in a turbine to generate electricity. nuclear power accounts for approximately 20 percent of us electricity production. More than 100 nuclear generating units are currently in operation in the U.S. Every 18 to 24 months a power plant must shut down to remove its spent uranium fuel, which becomes radioactive waste. U.S power plants produce 2,000 metric tons of radioactive waste ever year. Nuclear power is being used in more than 30 countries.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Winter Break Descriptive

       My winter break was pretty much basketball. I played basketball in San Fran my team Fairfax basketball had 3 games we lost all 3 games but we fought and played our heart out. After I came from San Fran I was with all my friends and family for the rest of the break or I will be sleep. I went to the DMV with my mom to get my ID card because she said I been needing one because the school ID is not enough. The girls basketball team had a tourney the last week before school started back. We came in second behind palisades. I was upset about that because we never lose to them but it was a wake up call for the next we play them. But overall I had a fun break because I got to hang out and sleep until I wanted to wake up. I wished we had more time because I really don't like school and I dislike some of teachers here and the way they teach.

    When I went to san Fran we stayed for 4 days we had a free day to just hang out and bond as a team. We went and explored San Fran going to the arcade, going to see the seals, we went out to eat, we went to get ice cream at the ice cream parlor. It was really fun we didn't get in our hotel rooms until 11pm. But the bad part was that we had to wake up early the next morning to eat breaskfast and have a meeting for our game. Other than going their for winter break I really didn't do anything. When Christmas came it was great because I had a Christmas dinner, we had dressing, yams, green beans, chicken, steak, mac and cheese, turkey and cornbread. For dessert we had cookies and ice cream. it was wonderful because I got to see family and open presents with each other. I was happy with all the gifts I got. I got a lot of money, socks, and a buffalo wild wing card. with the money I got from my family I brought some shoes and clothes. My winter break was wonderful in my opinion.

   In my wonderful winter break I got to hang with my mom I love her so much. She always there for me she my number 1 fan she always there with her support. I cant wish for no better mom. In my winter break got to hang with really cool friends that's always there for me. Winter break kinda changed me because I became a new person in my opinion. If I can I would go back to that break.

Monday, January 26, 2015

civil disobedience

    In todays world civil disobedience people protested against the police killing an innocent black man for no reason. There was no justice for the family of mike brown in the court room. The police won the case. that's not fair because mike brown didn't do anything towards the police. People protested in attempt to seek justice. I understand the protesters were out of line . Such acts like stopping traffic, placing people in a bad situation, and walking in the streets during the traffic were followed by protesters. Despite the commotion, it is important to evaluate the cause of this civil disobedience. The police killing innocent people and getting away with it is so terrible. These innocent individuals have families that care about their kids. Taking a lost is a hard thing to do that's never easy. So if protesting is their only way to get their statement or opinion across they should be able to do it. So all the situations that happen in the last two years like the Travon Martin case and Mike Brown case. They were both killed. Till this day their families are still fighting for what they believe in. I understand and respect that because that's a loving family. If I was a mother I would be doing the same thing if I suffered a lost.

     Also that makes the world look good because you see people coming together as one getting a job done. Their fighting for whats right and the government and the police have to understand that. Im starting to think that their getting it because their not really doing nothing to the protesters the only thing their doing is keeping them in check about how their protesting. Because how about if it was their child getting killed by the police I know they would be feeling the same way. Killing should just STOP! Its killing innocent people. Whoever kills for no reason should get punished. Like people should want to come together as one and fight together.(pg246 Letter From Birmingham City Jail) Martin Luther King tried to make everybody come together to be a whole. Martin Luther King was the man back in the day because he was respectful and honoring. He wanted fair rights for everybody and everybody to be equal. Blacks and whites hated eachother and Martin Luther King wanted to change that he just wanted peace. He had a dream and he wasn't going to stop until it was accomplished. Martin Luther King went to jail for fightimg for what he believed in. Martin Luther King got killed by a white person in front of a motel. Whites and blacks couldn't even go to the same school that's how bad it was. Later on some blacks and whites ended up getting along with eachother but it was still a lot of racism still going on.
   (pg244 From on Nonviolent Resistance by Mohandas K Gandhi Speech) You can also relate this to Gandhi and what he was doing for him and his people. He was the leader of the Indians in India. As a young lawyer, Gandhi fought for rights of Indians living under the racist and repressive government of south Africa. Gandhi and his fell people was getting treated wrong in india so ghandi was a big man and stepped up to fight for his rights. Gandhi was sent to prison so many times and hurt because of his actions  because of fighting for rights for the Indians. He didn't want to harm anybody he just wanted to get his point across. The police and the government wasn't understanding that. they thought he was attacking at them, but that wasn't the case. When Gandhi went to prison his fellow people kept everything right and they kept battling until he got out. Gandhi was just trying to fight for the Indians independence because he thought it was fair and I agree because I think every race should have equal rights. Gandhi ended up getting killed in the head by some ignorant man . Gandhi and martin luther king jr to me is the same kind of people because they both fought for something that they wanted and didn't stop until they got killed. They spoke up on the truth for there country and their race. They just wanted to be good people and crazy and stupid people wasn't understanding where they were coming from. Now today they made a difference because Indians got rights and blacks and whites came together that was there dream. They left great advice and great speeches on this earth and it will be here forever. a lot has changed and I love it. I agree with both of them and everything they have done and I feel like don't give up on what you believe because your going to get heard or accomplish that one thing or things sooner or later.