Wednesday, October 15, 2014

writing pretest

   Margaret Mead: to me M. Margaret EPT writing is saying that success is a confusion to americans because its hard succeed out her. this world is hard to get through its so many obstacles in the united states  but we know that everybody has a talent or talents that they can showcase that can get them somewhere in life. that talent or talents can make you succeed in life but you just have to practice and not give up to get there because everybody can get there but you just have to try.           

      Also she is saying to me that you cant out someone down because their talent for succeeding is not good as yours. you have to encourage them to do better. If you don't respect them for what they do then say something positive about what there doing or give them a example of whats right and whats wrong. Also you don't want nobody to not succeed you should want everybody to succeed because we all know its hard out here in this world. To me I will want everybody to succeed because having people that is trying to do what u do and succeed is  good thing because it wont be as hard in life. but there will be a little competition.

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