Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Whats an American?

   An American is a human being. an american is someone that is brave and that can be a leader. An American is a person that stands up for what they believe in. An American is someone that speaks the truth. An American is someone who looks doe freedom and let nobody treat them like a slave or viloate them. An American are people that are in war fighting for other people. An American is a person who would risk their life for others and thats strong and brave.

    An American is someone that says their proud to be an American and always do the pledge of allegiance and that's proud and who respects their USA colors (red,white,and blue). An American is a proud soldier. An American is god because he is always there. An American is someone who is there for people that didn't even get asked to be there for them. An American is just a proud citizen that respects and love their country. For example i consider myself as American because i love and respect my country and Im happy just to be alive.

      An American is someone who is in the war for years. An American is people that are adults getting their education in college. An American is people that have a job and trying to make something out of themselves. An American is young adults that's trying to get their life together and trying to live on their own without having to ask their parents for everything. An American is just a strong individual. An American is a loving and caring person. An American is people who earn what they have and not be lazy and just push themselves to just be a good person and keep their head up and accomplish their goals in life.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Autobiography

    Hi my name is TL and my goals in life are to go to college, get a scholarship, and help my parents out like they do me. the most important is graduate from high school because to get to college you will have to graduate high school first. I want to go to college for basketball and to major in business. I want to major in business because my brother did it in high school and I want to try it also. another thing is that I want to have my own basketball program. I want to teach young kids how to play the game of basketball and the fundamentals and how you can stay mentally focus in a game. I love to play basketball. I play basketball at Fairfax HS.

     I love to stay active and stay on my grind because I want to make my family proud. and also I like to stay in shape. my favorite subject is English because I like to write how I feel and I can get emotions out and how I feel at the moment. I just like to write my opinion on things. in the future I want to help younger kids how to express themselves and if they don't know how to write I want to teach them.

     I just want to do good in life because I am on a mission to succeed and by me messing around and hanging out with the wrong people I know I wont get no where in life because its hard as it is out here.

     My goals in high school are to pass all my classes with a C or higher and try to get a 3.0gpa. I want to pass my SATS. I want to keep working hard in basketball and get my handles together. Its one thing I always tell myself is that don't give up Im going to keep striving for what I want and keep going until its accomplished. this is important to me because I don't want to be struggling when I get older trying to make something out of myself.

La Times Ucla vs Oregon

      On Saturday oct.12 at 12:30pm on ch.11 Ucla and Oregon went against each other. Oregon defeated Ucla 42-30 they both were 5-1. Oregon QB Marcus Mariota leads Oregon to the win by throwing 4 TDs. Ucla came up with the upset Ucla QB Brett Hundley was not happy but they did fight and they didn't give up. Oregon is number 12 in the nation and Ucla is number 18 in the nation. They are really good teams and they strive for what they want and Oregon just wanted it more at the end of the day

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

writing pretest

   Margaret Mead: to me M. Margaret EPT writing is saying that success is a confusion to americans because its hard succeed out her. this world is hard to get through its so many obstacles in the united states  but we know that everybody has a talent or talents that they can showcase that can get them somewhere in life. that talent or talents can make you succeed in life but you just have to practice and not give up to get there because everybody can get there but you just have to try.           

      Also she is saying to me that you cant out someone down because their talent for succeeding is not good as yours. you have to encourage them to do better. If you don't respect them for what they do then say something positive about what there doing or give them a example of whats right and whats wrong. Also you don't want nobody to not succeed you should want everybody to succeed because we all know its hard out here in this world. To me I will want everybody to succeed because having people that is trying to do what u do and succeed is  good thing because it wont be as hard in life. but there will be a little competition.