Wednesday, May 27, 2015

An Indicent in Los Angeles

An incident that took place in los angeles was when my mom and family got into a car accident with this old man. I was in the front seat I was about 11 years old. when we crashed I was really scared, I felt dizzy and my stomach was hurting. I had a bad pain in my stomach but the crazy part I saw the crash about to happen before it did but it was to late to say anything it just happen to fast. in the car there was my older and younger brother they were also scared. then the ambulance came also the police I was just shocked about the whole thing even happening

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Portfolio Reflection

   My favorite piece in my portfolio is the Micheal Jordan essay because he's a legend I look up to even though im a girl I still look up to him because he teach and he did stuff nobody could do. He worked hard at his craft and he stayed in the gym for hours just working trying to get better.

   Looking at my piece from the beginning of the year to the end of the year I can tell it has got a little bit better. I think it needs a little bit more work but im starting to understand how to do a great essay to get a good grade. I see improvement in how I write and how I start off into my writing. The work that I think demonstrates a good essay is my Micheal Jordan essay and My Reflection essay on myself. I picked these two essays because my Micheal Jordan essay I went into great detail on him, his life story and how great he was as a player. Also I like Micheal Jordan because he was a great leader of the game.  I picked My Reflection essay also because it was about me and I can honestly go on and on about myself that's how much I love myself but the real reason why I picked my essay about me is because people can get to know the real me without having to assume and by judging me because the way I look or the way I even act.

   The areas I need to improve on about my writing is to write more and give detail on every essay I write because I know that would make me a better writer and make my readers be interested in what I'm writing about. I want to try to catch my readers attention and that would help me on what I did good on the essay and what I need to improve on because I'm going to want feedback.

     My specific skill is me going deep in my writing, telling good detail, getting people attention, and making people feel passionate about my writing. My highest grade is not science this year it have been history because I understand it more than my other subjects I want a high grade in English and Ms. Enszer and Ms. Alaya is helping reach that accomplishment. I know by their help it can get done. all the essays that Ms.Enszer is basically preparing us for college and I understand and I appreciate that. I know I complain about writing so much but I know its going to help me in the long way. High school essays are basic compared to college essays and when I get to college I want to be ready for a college essay assignment.