Monday, February 23, 2015

Nuclear Power

   The good things about nuclear power is that the energy is clean. its doesn't add green house gases to the atmosphere. Their not like the fossil fuel. Nuclear energy has saved million of tons of air pollution from going to the environment. The bad things about it is that it is extremely costly. nuclear power wouldn't reduce our dependency on middle east oil supplies. Nuclear power isn't cheap at all. It isn't a cheap alternative to fossils fuels. The main problem with nuclear power is the cost its not the risk of some people dying. Nuclear power has stalled because it is simply not profitable. More nuclear doesn't mean less oil nuclear power is just a energy source nothing to do with oil. Oil has its own source.

     People think nuclear power is dangerous and some think its not dangerous. Barack Obama secretary Steven Chu thinks its not dangerous. The death resulting from the production of nuclear power are over 4000 times less than the rate of death resulting from the production of energy from coal. many people say the reason why nuclear power cost so much because the government. They say that France gets 75% of its electricity from nuclear power. However its still the same amount of money out her in Los Angeles, California.

    I believe nuclear power shouldn't never cost so much because in some cases you need nuclear power. I think everybody should get a equal amount of electricity from nuclear power. Nuclear power is primarily used for electricity. More nuclear doesn't mean less oil. It just should be way cheaper then now in my opinion.
    Nuclear power originates from the splitting of uranium atoms in a process called fission. Fission releases energy that can be used to make steam, which is used in a turbine to generate electricity. nuclear power accounts for approximately 20 percent of us electricity production. More than 100 nuclear generating units are currently in operation in the U.S. Every 18 to 24 months a power plant must shut down to remove its spent uranium fuel, which becomes radioactive waste. U.S power plants produce 2,000 metric tons of radioactive waste ever year. Nuclear power is being used in more than 30 countries.